Saturday, January 7, 2012

Whats up with that?

We spend hours at the gym, sweating it, lifting the weights, running the treadmill, and whatever else we do to fight the pounds off! We watch what we eat (well some of us!) and still nothing seems to be happening, apart from the fact jeans feel as though they are getting tighter instead of looser! Goals then seem to become further and further out of focus and far from achievable.

Trust me; I’ve been dumpy most of life so know the feeling of seeing those dreaded numbers on the scale week after week! The thing is, oh yes there is something that can be done. Just like when we learnt to read, write, walk, talk… (and eat), we can certainly teach our bodies to catch a grip and start to work with us and NOT against us. We first need to understand our bodies, how it all works together!So after getting discouraged seeing that sickening digit on the scale, I just had to do some research, and try to understand this all! Was it my thyroid that had been the wall blocking me from reaching my goal weight all this time? It could be! Is it all in my genes? Maybe, but I rather not blame the genes when I know that genes are not entirely to blame, ok so it may have a small contribution to the extra weight – but all to blame? No I don’t think so! Maybe, it’s my metabolism that needs readjusting?

Let’s talk about the thyroid. What’s that you ask? (No it can’t be eaten)! The thyroid is a small butterfly shaped gland that is at the base if the front of the neck, which produces chemicals called hormones. These hormones control how fast the body uses up energy, help control body temperature, influence heart rate and regulate production of Protein!

We could have Hypothyroidism, or Hyperthyroidism, but let’s cover Hypothyroidism for now. Hypothyroidism –aka – an underactive Thyroid! Not the only reason to for continued weight gain, but if the needle on the scale climbs up 5-10 pounds, Hypothyroidism could be playing a role in this chase! Let’s understand this Hypothyroidism a little deeper…well at least understand the 5-10 pound weight gain! (as we know the reason to the other pounds hanging on..too much eating and to little gym!) Hypothyroidism is when your body is lacking certain hormones that the Thyroid is meant to be producing. The thyroids main purpose is to maintain our bodies’ metabolism, so when the Thyroid is underactive the glands are inflamed therefore the thyroid can’t produce enough of the hormones to keep the metabolism in good working order! Resulting in a slow metabolism, which means it takes longer to burn the calories that have been consume, resulting in the weight gain! The good news is that it can be treated, with synthetic thyroid hormones! Again, Hypothyroidism is not all to blame here. We need to put some effort into getting that scale needle down, just taking the medication to treat the underactive Thyroid wont lose the weight for you, it will certainly whip the thyroid into order but is not the miracle worker. So the calorie intake will still need to be minded with a watchful eye, and with a good amount of exercise, body weight can be easily maintained! Some symptoms to look out for are – brittle hair and nails, pale and dry skin, puffy face, muscle aches and stiffness, depression, fatigue and a tendency to feel the cold.

So what about Hyperthyroidism then? Yes, that’s right; it’s the total opposite of Hypothyroidism! It’s OVER-ACTIVE. It’s doing everything that the underactive Thyroid is NOT doing. So in this case its OVER working, producing more hormones, thus speeding up the metabolism, and because the metabolism rate is so high it uses the fat as energy, so the fat doesn’t get the chance to attach itself to the hip, bum, tummy – or wherever else it likes to take up residence! Since the metabolism is faster, appetite is increased, so here an increase in calories would be needed – to keep the metabolism and body going. In some cases weight is not lost, its more maintained, sometimes weight can be put on…all depends on how much the calorie intake has been increased! This is also treatable, and so any substantial weight lost is regained once treated! In this case after treatment lower calorie intake again, watching what is eaten whilst keeping a good exercise schedule going!Some of the symptoms to look out for are: heart palpitations, heat intolerance, nervousness, insomnia, fast heart rate, warm moist skin, trembling hands, hair loss and staring gaze.

Bodies can be rather complicated!!! But if they are understood and treated right, well then not only will we live longer and be healthier but we will also be happier and have a spring in our step!

Some advice – get that Thyroid checked out anyway…just to be on the safe side of life!!

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