Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Finding YOUR-self!

YOU are absolutely perfect the way you are, YES you read right I said YOU ARE perfect!

I was thinking the other day how some of us believe that we are not good enough. I find it sad that so many people in this wide wonderful world, think they need to be someone else, someone prettier, someone thinner and someone better, to be accepted and to fit in. They believe that if they become that someone they will find happiness.
So many people (kids and adults) are so desperate to be anybody but themselves! They focus so much on being that somebody else they lose the true and real focus on who they REALLY are, who they really are deep down inside. It seems easier to be 'somebody else', instead of finding out who they are, what their values are, what their beliefs are, so they settle for less and focus is put onto being that 'somebody else', that somebody that they believe is better and will get them accepted into society.
They don't realize that in the midst of all this 'pretending', they are rejecting ourselves - actually WE are the only ones who can make OURSELVES happy and feel accepted and loved!

So I guess that is where it all starts, love - SELF-love! If you don't accept and love YOURSELF first, there is no way that someone can love and accept you, and you cant love and accept someone else. There comes a point in life that we have to learn to love ourselves, for who we are. No, self-approval and self-acceptance is not an ego trip, but its reaching maturity, gratitude and love - SELF-LOVE!

When we are happy with ourselves and accept ourselves for who we really are, our true colors show, this is when we find true acceptance. There is no point in fighting for acceptance by others when everyone is 'faking' who they really are!

Don' get me wrong I am not judging or criticizing here, I am just trying to motizate that we all let our true colors shine through, for us to love and accept ourselves for who we really are!
When our decisions and behavior are the reflection of our deep values, that is when we will begin to live a meaningful life, and our need to be accepted falls away, because we have found acceptance and love from within.

We are all unique and special, come on admit it, how boring would it be if we were all the same?

There is so much pressure on kids to be accepted, to be someone else, to be popular, or to bethe bully at school, thus forcing the child to lose perspective with their true identity. Even then they aren't accepted at times, and they are left feeling lost and rejected, and sadly sometimes look suicide as the answer. (And we wonder why there are so many teen suicides). If only someone could have loved and accepted them for who they really are. So while we can, lets make a difference, let us love and accept the young, show they that they can let their true colors shine. Lets prevent teen suicide, and all the heartache and pain!! 

Dedicated to all the readers - TRUE COLORS - by Phil Collins! :)